
Mobile is the new web!

Last Updated : 29 October 2012, 18:13 IST
Last Updated : 29 October 2012, 18:13 IST

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Nowadays e-learning has become one of the best methods of enhancing one’s skills and the youth is not untouched by this latest trend. Since time is a casualty for youngsters, e-learning websites are proving the next big thing. Apart from saving time, they don’t cut holes in your pocket.

As online media is the most sought after option for brand and self-promotion, mobile technology is emerging as a leader in this field. And making the most of it, is the music band Parikrama.

Apart from serving as a hub of information about the band, the application ‘Parikrama’ also provides details of their biography, photos, and forthcoming videos.

“Celebrity branding is nothing new, from fragrances to underwear endorsements to charities, public figures have perfected the practice of personal branding. Amidst a cultural obsession with social media, celebrities are searching for new ways to position their personal brands and convince fans they’re media savvy,” says Rishab Mathur, director of Blot Canvas, maker of the application ‘Parikrama’.

“Facebook and Twitter allow celebrities to connect with fans, but the experience is limited in creativity. This is where we come into the picture. Youth today has an appetite for multi-tasking. Even while watching television, they are hooked to their budget smartphones,” adds Rishab.

The application not only paves a path for band lovers to get a peek-a-boo into the lives of the members but also gives e-learning classes on the instruments which the band plays.

Srijan Mahajan, drummer of the band, said, “This was done to stay connected with our fans and vice-versa. This app is a great medium for our fans to learn the instruments. The video will have one member missing like the guitarist or the drummer. The person who downloads the app can play along with us in place of the missing drummer or the guitarist. This is how they can learn.”

Adding to the list of celeb applications, there is a ‘Raghu Ram’ app where his fans and haters can praise and even abuse him. There is also a facility where he shares his life experiences with his fans.

There is also a e-learning site careerstrokes.com by Kris Srikkant, the yesteryear powerful and dashing batsman and current chairman of selection board for BCCI. The learning language is cricket where Kris has used cricketing analogy to teach the success mantra to the youth. The programme has 12 modules and it contains practical tips, do’s and dont’s guiding youngsters for a better

Published 29 October 2012, 18:13 IST

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