
Performances par excellence

Last Updated : 02 August 2009, 10:56 IST
Last Updated : 02 August 2009, 10:56 IST

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Raj Singh Chaudhary was kidnapped and beaten in his first film Gulal and now, he will be seen being kidnapped for different reasons. The actor will be seen in a gripping film based on a real life story set in Bihar called Mehmaanjee.

The film is about an IAS officer who is caught between the struggle of convincing his family for marrying his girlfriend when he is kidnapped to marry another girl. This movie is supposedly very similar to the television serial Bhagyavidhata.

On being asked about this, Raj says, “It was an exciting role to play and knowing the story of this man really touched my heart. These things still happen in the rural parts of our country and are not known to us. We have shot the film at the actual locations in Bihar. The film has been complete for quite sometime but was delayed due to the multiplex producer fight.

But seeing the interest that people show in the TV series, I feel our movie will also be able to get the same acknowledgement.” After one excellent performance, we are sure that this performance will be par excellence as well and we wish him all the luck for his new release.

Published 02 August 2009, 10:56 IST

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