
Students are an anxious lot as BU delays results

Varsity had announced one-time exam offer for clearance of pending papers
Last Updated : 14 December 2015, 19:32 IST
Last Updated : 14 December 2015, 19:32 IST

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As a one time measure, Bangalore University had allowed its alumni to clear their pending papers by giving them an exam in March this year. Nearly eight months later, some of the candidates are yet to receive their results.

Earlier this year, the university announced that alumni of the varsity who had not cleared their exams could now write the exams and obtain their degrees. About 870 candidates applied for under graduate courses and 1,400 students in all appeared for the exams.

Speaking to Deccan Herald, Satyajit Biswas, one of the candidates who appeared for the exams, said he had written the exams this year for seven papers of MCom.

He had enrolled into the M Com course through the distance-education mode in 1998-99. He completed his first year and three papers of the second year by 2003.

He was unable to pursue the course after that. When Bangalore University announced the one-time exam offer this year, he decided to give it his best shot and clear the exams.  Biswas is a manager in a multinational company in the City.

“I am 58 years old. I went and took this challenge. They gave the curriculum of one paper three days before the exam. The books came to me a day before the exam. Nonetheless, I gave it my best shot,” he said. “They made a mockery of it,” Biswas lamented, adding that he had to run from pillar to post in vain, trying to find out the reasons for the delay in the announcement of the results.

Meanwhile, Prof Ninge Gowda, Registrar (Evaluation) of Bangalore University, attributed the problem to errors in register numbers. “They might have given wrong register numbers. We have announced the results three months back.”
 He added that candidates could mail the university at buexamredressal@gmail.com to get their grievances addressed.

Published 14 December 2015, 19:32 IST

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