Speaking to reporters on Friday in Bangalore, Agriculture Minister S A Raveendranath said that the kharif crops in 8.37 lakh ha were destroyed, while the rabi crops in 2,97,312 ha too have been affected badly.
The highest loss has been suffered in Bijapur district (3,72,642 ha), while the loss is in 1.81 lakh ha in Belgaum. The least affected is Uttara Kannada district – 1,019 ha.
In all, the crop loss has been estimated at Rs 2,500 crore. This is only a preliminary estimate. It has not been able to assess the loss in some areas, he added. The minister said the floods have destroyed tur, sunflower, groundnut, sugarcane, gram and paddy.
Raveendranath said, the Government will distribute white jowar and Bijapur jowar freely in the flood-affected areas. The rest of seeds would be sold by offering 75 per cent discount. Steps have been taken to make fertilisers available in sufficient quantity.
District-wise crop loss
Published 09 October 2009, 19:31 IST