
Foreign lady alleges nude massage

Last Updated : 03 June 2009, 17:21 IST

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A US citizen, Karen (33) had come to India with her partner Hayden three days ago to pay tribute to her Yoga Guru Pattabhi Jois who passed away recently. The couple were staying at a private hotel.

Karen and her partner went to Panchamantra Nature Cure centre in Kuvempunagar on Monday. They were taken to different rooms and were assigned with masseurs. Karen was asked to strip down completely for the massage. Uncomfortable that she was, she discussed it with her partner after the session was over. Hayden was rather surprised to hear that and told Karen it was an ‘offense’ to ask a lady to go naked, according to Indian law.

The couple lodged a case in the nearest police station. Proprietor of Panchamantra Nature Cure Centre Muralidhar was arrested on Tuesday with charges of ‘outraging a lady’s modesty.’  He was produced before the court.

Published 03 June 2009, 17:21 IST

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