Speaking at a function organised by Ramakrishna Hegde Rashtriya Chintana Vedike and presenting the awards in the memory of Hegde here on Thursday, he said Hegde used to think what would happen in the next 10-15 years. He used to talk about decentralisation of power, women reservation and two India (rich and poor) long ago. It was he who implemented decentralisation of power while he was the chief minister. Now this system has been implemented throughout the country.
Dr Gouda said when Hegde spoke of women reservation, he was criticised for the reason that how many women would like to enter politics because of social stigma. But what Hegde told a few years ago, has now been implemented. Of late, more number of women are coming to the field of politics, he added. On the colourful personality of the former CM, Dr Gouda said Hegde had a different taste. He used to watch movies by taking time from politics and also acted in movies. When asked whether he wanted to act at that age, Hegde had replied that one has to tread the path liked by the young generation. Hegde had a strong belief that decentralisation of power would eradicate corruption. However, now the corruption was quite rampant in local bodies. This is because of the electoral system. Need of the hour was to change the system for the betterment of the society. No politician would admit that he was corrupt because of problems at house. Instead he would forcefully collect money for contesting the elections, he noted. Former speaker of the State Assembly, Krishna, former MLC, D Madegowda, former mayor, Vasu, Ramakrishna Hegde Rashtriya Chintana Vedike founder president, K S Satyanarayana, G Prakash and H S Subbanna also spoke.
Veteran journalist Krishna Vattam, dean, Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, Dr Gita Avadhani, Dr Kannika Trivedi, Dr S P Tirumalarao, Vidushi Arathi Arun and Bannur Krishnappa were felicitated in recognition of their services.