Pune: The Pune police have registered a case against an unidentified person in connection with the hacking of the WhatsApp account of NCP (SP) Lok Sabha member Supriya Sule, an official said on Tuesday.
The MP, who represents Baramati in Maharashtra's Pune district, in a post on X on Sunday claimed her phone and WhatsApp account were hacked and requested people not to call or message her.
On Monday, Sule said she was being blackmailed after hackers demanded $400 (Rs 33,583.38) from her team by sending a message following the hacking of her WhatsApp account.
An official from Yawat police station said, "We have registered a case against an unidentified person under relevant provisions of the Information Technology Act. An investigation is underway."
Published 13 August 2024, 06:23 IST