
LS nod to bill to prevent human trafficking

Last Updated : 26 July 2018, 16:53 IST
Last Updated : 26 July 2018, 16:53 IST

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The Lok Sabha on Thursday passed a bill that seeks stringent punishment to those indulging in human trafficking and also provides jail term up to six months for media persons disclosing the identity of the victim and witness in the case.

The Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill was passed by a voice vote after assurances from Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi of addressing the concerns raised by members while framing the rules of the legislation.

Maneka said the bill was "victim-centric" and seeks to set up a National Anti-Trafficking Bureau to investigate trafficking cases, monitor known routes of such activities and coordinate with law enforcement agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders.

The Congress, Shiv Sena and the CPM members wanted the bill to be referred to the standing committee to address certain deficiencies and the same could be passed in the next session of Parliament.

Responding to the debate, the minister said the bill was in the public domain for two years and all stakeholders, including state governments, have been consulted in this regard.

Maneka sought to allay concerns raised by some members that the provisions of the bill could be used to target sex workers.

"This bill is not intended to harass those sex workers who are voluntarily in the profession. It takes compassionate view of people who have been victims of sex racket," the minister said.

The bill specifies the penalties for various offences, including trafficking of persons, promoting trafficking, disclosing the identity of the victim and aggravated trafficking (such as trafficking for bonded labour and begging).

The bill makes aggravated trafficking punishable with rigorous imprisonment of 10 years up to life imprisonment, along with a minimum fine of Rs 1 lakh.

Seeking to protect the identity of the victim, the bill makes publishing of any material that discloses the identity of the trafficked person a punishable offence.

"No report or newspaper or magazine or newssheet or audio-visual media or any other form of communication regarding any inquiry or investigation or judicial proceedings at any stage shall disclose the name, address or any other particulars, which may lead to the identification of a victim or witness of trafficking of person under this Act shall be published," the bill states.

Published 26 July 2018, 14:56 IST

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