New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday directed the police heads of Punjab, and Haryana to meet in a week along with the Superintendent of Police of adjoining districts for partial reopening of roads at Shambhu border near Ambala to facilitate the movement of ambulances, essential services and local commuters.
Observing that highways are not for parking tractors, trolleys and JCBs, the top court hoped for amicable solution of the problem as farmers kept on sitting over since February 13 over their various demands including legal guarantee for minimum support price for their produce.
"We direct the senior superintendent of police of Patiala and Ambala and the deputy commissioners of both the districts to hold a meeting and lay down the modalities for partial opening of the highway initially for the purposes of ambulances, essential services, girl students and daily commuters of the nearby area," a bench of Justices Surya Kant and Ujjal Bhuyan said.
The court also noted that the States have suggested names in compliance with its earlier orders, for the purpose of the constitution of a committee.
"We appreciate the initiative taken by the States by suggesting the names that are apolitical. An appropriate committee along with the issues to be determined (subsequently) and appropriate recommendation shall be made," the bench said.
During the hearing, the court observed that it was hopeful that there would be an amicable and respectable solution.
"Now that being the situation why do not you (Punjab and Haryana) persuade the farmers...because highways are not for parking (space)," the bench orally said.
While appreciating Punjab, Haryana government is making the best efforts for suggesting apolitical names for proposed panel for talking to protesting farmers at Shambhu border, the court said that partial opening of road at Shambhu border needed for facilitating movement of ambulances, essential services and local commuters.
The apex court said that it would pass brief order on terms of panel to be constituted for holding talks with the protesting farmers at Shambhu border on the next date on August 22.
"Highways are not for parking for tractors, trolleys and JCBs," the top Court said.
Solicitor General Tushar Mehta appeared for Haryana and the Punjab government was represented by its Advocate General Gurminder Singh.
On August 2, the Supreme Court on had asked Haryana and Punjab governments to suggest possible names of neutral and eminent persons who can be part of a committee to resolve the issue of farmers.
The court had said in a democratic set-up, the farmers protesting at the Shambhu border, have a right to voice their grievances and their sentiments should not be hurt.
The Haryana government filed a plea in the Supreme Court against the July 10 order by the Punjab and Haryana high court order to remove within a week the barricading at the Shambhu border near Ambala.
The Punjab and Haryana HC had on July 10, ordered the Haryana government to clear within a week the barricading at the Shambhu border.
Published 12 August 2024, 07:49 IST