
Acupressure helps relieve pain, stress

Last Updated : 01 March 2013, 14:28 IST
Last Updated : 01 March 2013, 14:28 IST

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Besides relieving various ailments, acupressure lowers anxiety levels, so you
feel relaxed, less tense, and sleep better, says Anu Shaktivelu


Together with infrared heat therapy, acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic principles, acupressure is part of the combination of western and Asian healing techniques. Acupressure is one of the famous types of traditional Chinese medicine and it is done by applying pressure to certain areas of your body to relieve various ailments.

Some experts consider it as a special form of massage, which therapists also integrate into their services for comprehensive treatment.

Unlike acupuncture, acupressure uses hands and fingers to apply pressure to the pressure points, but like other forms of traditional Chinese medicine, it relies on the principles of chi, which is believed to influence health and overall balance in the body. Interruptions in the flow of chi in the body would cause ailments.

Acupressure would help remove the blockage in the flow of chi. Aside from relieving ailments, acupressure is also known to be helpful in relieving stress and lowering your anxiety levels, so you feel relaxed, less tense, and sleep better. You also feel more energetic and less tired, so you can do the things you want.


There are several different instruments for applying nonspecific pressure by rubbing, rolling, or applying pressure on the reflex zones of the body. The acuball is a small ball made of rubber with protuberances that is heatable. It is used to apply pressure and relieve muscle and joint pain. The energy roller is a small cylinder with protuberances. It is held between the hands and rolled back and forth to apply acupressure.

The foot roller is a round, cylindrical roller with protuberances. It is placed on the floor and the foot is rolled back and forth over it. The power mat (also pyramid mat) is a mat with small pyramid-shaped bumps that you walk on.

Jade stone

Jade stone is also popularly used in accupressure therapy. Jade is known for having healing properties which relax the nervous system and aid in removal of toxins. Your body is massaged using real jade stones, and the alternating temperatures bring deep relaxation, produce vitality, release toxins and reduce inflammation.

Jade is considered the health, wealth, and longevity stone. Physically, jade stone is known to have good effects on the heart, kidney and stomach. Physical pains, however, are still best consulted with a doctor as there is no guarantee that this gemstone will heal serious diseases.

Jade stone massage is different from the standard hot stone massage you see in spas. It is a deep tissue therapeutic massage without the pain.

Because of its composition of iron, magnesium & calcium, jade is the only massage stone that can hold both heat and cold equally well. One stoke with a heated jade stone is equivalent to seven stokes by hand.

The combination therapy acts much like a vascular flush, comparable to hydrotherapy and thermotherapy. It increases circulation, flushes the internal organs and circulatory system helping elimination of toxins from the body.

Published 01 March 2013, 14:28 IST

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