
Are you a coronaspeck?

The pandemic is adding new words to our vocabulary and one of them happens to be 'coronaspeck'. Sheela Krishnaswamy tells you how you to avoid it
Last Updated : 13 May 2020, 07:26 IST

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The worldwide lockdowns have changed lives across the globe. Our own notions of the new ‘normal’ are being defined day in and day out. The pandemic is adding new words to our vocabulary and one of them happens to be Coronaspeck. Back in the days, the Germans called it 'kummerspeck', from kummer (worry) + speck (bacon). But now, the term has been adapted to suit the present coronavirus situation. It now refers to stress-eating, not exercising or giving your body any movement, leading to weight gain. So, follow these exciting tips that can save you from Coronaspeck!

Look around you. Your home is now your gym!

When you are at home, put on clothes that are suitable for workouts, maybe something as simple as tights and a t-shirt. You wouldn't want to miss working out when you have dressed the part. Add in workouts while putting away groceries. Instead of placing milk cartons or canned foods in the fridge, use them as weights for both arms and do a few bicep curls or lift them over your head a few times. If you are working from home, try taking short fitness breaks. When you are on your laptop, get up and walk around your house for a few minutes every hour. While watching serials and movies, do quick exercises such as jumping jacks, crunches or push-ups. Invest in a stability ball, and instead of sitting on your couch, sit on the stability ball to improve your core strength. Pace when you are on your phone to burn a couple of extra calories. If you have a balcony or a terrace or a garden, take a 30-60 minute walk.

Your hobbies are now your personal trainers!

If you love dancing then put on your favourite music. Dancing is a good and effective cardiovascular activity. It results in the loss of calories and makes you fit. It gets your heart rate up and keeps it healthy. Clean up your house, it might seem like the last thing someone would like to do, but try to make it fun. Play a song and challenge yourself to do as much work as possible before the song ends. Doing yoga also helps in keeping you fit and all you need is a mat. Learn to play a musical instrument. Just playing a violin burns around 175 calories an hour. Play video games that make you active. Engage yourself in quizzes and puzzle-solving to keep mentally active.

Snack the smart way

With quarantine comes the temptation to indulge in unhealthy snacks. While it might be difficult to fight these temptations, you can indulge in more rewarding snacks that will pay off in the long run. Almonds can be a good substitute for unhealthy snacks as they have satiating properties, which help keep a person full in between meals. A recently conducted research by University of Leeds, focused on the influence of almonds on appetite control, established how almonds can be beneficial for weight management. The results indicate that snacking on almonds also led to suppressed unconscious desire (“implicit wanting”) to consume other high-fat foods, which is great for anyone trying to control their weight. Other healthful snacks include sprouts, fresh fruits, boiled corn, and so on.

Health journal to the rescue!

Keep track of what you eat in the form of a diary or with the help of apps on smartphones. Note down everything you eat throughout the day. At the end of the day, total the amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat that you ate. Keeping a food diary helps you understand your eating habits and patterns. Jot down notes about what you eat immediately after eating. Don't rely on your memory at the end of the day because your recollection is likely to be less accurate. Note down how much you eat, what you eat and when you eat. These numbers will help your dietitian to guide you with your eating patterns and maintain your health.

(The author is a nutrition & wellness consultant)

Published 11 May 2020, 19:11 IST

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