
For healthy skin, manage stress

Last Updated : 25 March 2016, 18:37 IST
Last Updated : 25 March 2016, 18:37 IST

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Odd working hours, stress, absence of exercise and lack of sleep — these are just of some of the factors that negatively impact one’s health today. What many people may not realise is that these also wreak havoc on our skin. Let’s take a look at some common culprits:

Stress: The hormone that produces stress, cortisol, damages the skin’s
collagen and elastin, and as a result, causes premature ageing. It can also impact the skin’s ability to retain water thereby causing dryness and wrinkles. Acne breakouts and even chronic skin conditions like rosacea are often triggered by stress.

Inadequate sleep: Sleep offers complete rejuvenation for your skin. In order to have the required energy levels, sleeping for seven to eight hours a day is highly recommended. If your sleep time is limited, then cut down on other activities such as watching television.

Unhealthy eating: As a result of our hectic schedules, we tend to eat a lot of food that is high in calories and also drink a lot of coffee. Such a diet increases the likelihood of acne and dry skin. However, one can easily minimise the harmful effects of these factors by making it a habit to follow certain simple practices: 

Manage stress: Adopt measures that will help lower your stress levels. These can include exercising, walking or even practising yoga and meditation. The important thing is for you to dedicate some time solely to yourself every day.

Visit a dermatologist: If your skin starts displaying signs of stress, you should visit a skin expert immediately to seek appropriate treatment. Today, procedures such as nourishing medi-facials and hydrating oxygen facials offer perfect cure for common skin

(The author is dermatologist, Skin Alive Clinics, Delhi & NCR)

Published 25 March 2016, 15:20 IST

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