
Formula for success

Last Updated : 22 September 2014, 19:20 IST
Last Updated : 22 September 2014, 19:20 IST

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From trained musicians to talented singers presenting melodious symphonies and enchanting tunes are for them, a child’s play.

The same can be said of skilled artists and competent dancers who can splash a myriad of colours turning a canvas into a gorgeous work of art and mesmerising a full auditorium. Similar is the case with gifted writers who are endowed with abilities enough to touch the mind, heart and soul of their readers through written words. Distinguished preachers and leaders are in the same league of those who can spark the fire of reform and evolution among their followers.

And so it is with every accomplished man of substance, who excels at his profession or calling. Their secret is a simple formula of the three ds’:  dream + dare + do = success.

To dream is the first step of the thousand mile journey that all successful people take in their long walk to success. George Bernard Shaw, the Irish playwright and essayist who penned profound thoughts on social themes such as government, religion and class-privilege, would say, “You see things and say: why?  But I dream things that never were and say: Why not?”  With this philosophy he became the only person in history to be awarded both a Nobel Prize and an Oscar for his contributions to literature.

Swami Vivekananda summed up this notion of ‘dreaming’ as an essential ingredient for success. In his words, “Take up one idea! Make that idea your life, think of it. Dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves every part of your body be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.”

Once a dream takes shape the human spirit gets suffused with a stimulus to act. This stimulus will propel every fibre of one’s being in the direction of the dream, from which will spring concrete actions to achieve the dream. An Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus, dared to navigate and sail across continents where no man had gone before to discover a new world. The historic development of the modern western world that ensued was all due to the result of one man’s determination to dare.

The final act of focusing on the doing is what eventually takes man to the place called success. 

Dedicated and complete attention to work takes a man to the realisation of his dreams. Napoleon Hill, the author of the best seller, “Think and grow rich” insisted, “The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance will rise up to help you.”  The formula for success then, is never a complex puzzle as is perceived; rather it is in the three simple steps of ‘dreaming, daring and doing!’

Published 22 September 2014, 19:20 IST

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