Today's Horoscope – July 1, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 30 June 2024, 18:32 IST
You need to   resolve or release painful feelings from the past and live more in the present to achieve an inner balance. An advantageous business proposal could be signed. You must try to remain healthy by being on a diet and exercise. Colour: Honey, Number: 1
Listen to other people’s ideas and try to change your perspective about a situation. Use your basic courage to resolve a situation and bring harmony to a relationship. Accept the power of your emotional energy and use that constructively. Colour: Beige, Number: 3
Success is possible if you carefully handle issues – both personal and professional deftly, without blowing up. A harmonious partnership happens and can mature into a fruitful liaison for the future. Domestic life could be enhanced by changes. Colour: Lavender, Number: 7
Partner or spouse brings luck your way. Career looks good -- much financial gain indicated. Old contacts or connections may return and a renewal of affection or healing about past matters happens. Old ghosts may be laid to rest. Colour: Lime-Green, Number: 5
Female members of your family may play on your emotions. A colleague or business partner could prove troublesome. Avoid conflicts — they will not bring good outcomes. New associates and partners need closer scrutiny. Speculation not viable. Colour: Scarlet, Number: 8
A sense of your own uniqueness, and inner peace prevails, helping you to overcome anger and disappointments. You may have to re-negotiate a contract. Colour: Ivory, Number: 2
You need to re-evaluate your situation. Take your time; do not make any decisions in haste. Overexertion and negligence will be your worst enemies. Someone you least expect could be trying to make you look inadequate. Colour: Maroon, Number: 4
You will be overly sensitive today. Your relationship is undergoing some changes. Children may be demanding, and entertainment could cost a lot more than you can really afford. Take care when dealing with older relatives. Colour: Saffron, Number: 6
You will be able to get your own way if you use your intellectual charm and know how. Put your efforts into being creative. You may find that your plans will cost a little more than you had expected. Colour: Ochre, Number: 9
You are open to new ideas, commitments. You have a flair for doing the right thing. You can learn a great deal more if you listen rather than react. You could be attracting individuals who are anything but good for you. Colour: Red, Number: 1
Mars aspecting our sign makes you hasty. It is important to keep cool and analyse the situation. Though you may feel gloomy, your psychic nature is sensitised. Look out for unusual occult experiences. Colour: Pink, Number: 6
One sided attractions are likely. Think twice before you pursue an unrealistic goal. By allowing things to flow outside your expectations you may add in a new dimension that hadn't occurred to you till now. Colour: Tan, Number: 8
Amara Ramdev