New Delhi: Top Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat on Thursday said that the Delhi police has withdrawn the security of the women wrestlers who are set to testify against former WFI chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh in a Delhi court.
Vinesh and several other wrestlers including her cousin sister Sangeeta Phogat, who is wife of Bajrang Punia, had accused Brij Bhushan of sexual exploitation.
The Delhi police had lodged an FIR and then filed a chargesheet against the BJP leader in the case. The next hearing in the case is on Friday.
"Delhi Police has withdrawn the security of the women wrestlers who are going to testify against Brij Bhushan in the court," Vinesh tweeted and tagged @DelhiPolice and Delhi and National commissions of women.
Vinesh had reached the Paris Olympic final but was disqualified from the Games for being overweight ahead of the gold medal bout.
Published 22 August 2024, 16:44 IST