
We want solution acceptable to all: Rajapaksa

Last Updated : 03 May 2018, 06:30 IST
Last Updated : 03 May 2018, 06:30 IST

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"My aim is to achieve the best possible solution acceptable to all," Rajapaksa said.
Addressing the local editors and publishers in his monthly meeting, he said that Tamil National Alliance (TNA) would want to achieve maximum with their own proposals.

Rajapaksa said that the solution would never match separatism aimed at by the LTTE.

He admonished politicians to approach the problem devoid of political angles and they need to be patient as a problem which had lasted over 60 years needed careful handling.

Rajapaksa and the TNA have had three rounds of talks following a high powered committee appointed to consult the main Tamil party.

The move was seen as a response to criticism by India and the international community that there was no progress on reconciliation figured in Rajapaksa's agenda since the war with the LTTE that ended two years ago.

Published 25 March 2011, 07:52 IST

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