
Vardhan uses Vajpayee's name to seeks vote

Last Updated : 07 April 2014, 21:44 IST
Last Updated : 07 April 2014, 21:44 IST

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 Delhi BJP chief and candidate from Chandni Chowk Harsh Vardhan on Monday invoked Atal Bihari Vajpayee and sought votes in the name of his governance model. 

Claiming that Narendra Modi as future prime minister would ensure a bright future for all, Harsh Vardhan said voters erred in not giving the Vajpayee-led NDA government a second term.

“I appeal to Delhiites that for the country’s sake and for putting the nation on the path of development, vote for the BJP,” he said. 

He shared figures on the performance of the agriculture sector and inflation rate when Vajpayee was the prime minister to highlight the superiority of the NDA governance model compared to the performance of the Manmohan Singh-led UPA over the past decade. 

“I am sure people will not err again and give the BJP a chance to rule the country,” Harsh Vardhan said.

“The Modi wave now sweeping the country has its roots in the national resolve to revive the era of progress and positivity, which abruptly ended when the Communist-backed UPA came to power in 2004,” he said. 

Winston Churchill’s too

“History is replete with examples of irrational democratic mandates, which people later reversed. In 1945, the British people voted out Winston Churchill even though the great prime minister led them to victory in World War II,” he said at a press conference here.

Giving details of the party’s campaign, Harsh Vardhan said it was based on four key elements. These are good governance and economic growth based on the Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh models, removing corruption with transparency through e-governance, no compromise on national security and creating jobs and opportunities for the youth, he said.

“We are about to get a prime minister who will study problems, offer solutions and restore the pride of India. We are confident that the elections of 2014 will be historic and help usher in a dawn of prosperity for all,” he said.

Published 07 April 2014, 21:44 IST

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