Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Thursday said that his government would seek a Constitution amendment to ensure 70% reservation for the SC/ST communities in education and public sector services.
Reservation would be sought on the lines of Tamil Nadu model, he said.
He was addressing a dispersed gathering during the Valmiki Jayanti celebrations in Vidhana Soudha, which was disrupted following heavy rains.
Siddaramaiah said that the Supreme Court had directed that reservation should not exceed 50%, and had thereby put a cap on it. The Tamil Nadu reservation was however in contrast to this, as it had fixed reservation for these communities at 69%.
Siddaramaiah said that his government would strive towards making this a reality, as the said communities lacked adequate representation in all spheres.
"I am not doing this for the sake of votes. I am doing this to ensure social justice to the disadvantaged communities," he said adding that his government had earmarked Rs 7,000 crore for the welfare of the SC/STs for the present financial year.
Siddaramaiah also said that his government would organise a massive SC rally in Ballari in the first week of December.
Earlier, Siddaramaiah unveiled a 12 ft Valmiki statue and a garden, which have been installed between Vidhana Soudha and Legislators Home.
MLC VS Ugrappa said that the government would name one of the Metro stations and a varsity after Valmiki.