
Devotees throng Puri yatra for final phase

Last Updated : 27 July 2015, 20:58 IST
Last Updated : 27 July 2015, 20:58 IST

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Tonnes of gold ornaments worth crores were taken out of Ratna Bhandar or the strongroom of the Puri temple on Monday afternoon as the three deities of the popular Hindu shrine, Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra, had their Suna Besha (golden attire), as part of the annual Rath Yatra festival that entered into its final phase.

The Rath Yatra or the Car Festival was held in the temple town on July 18 while the Bahuda Yatra or the Return Car Festival was celebrated on Sunday.

Like Rath Yatra and Bahuda Yatra, lakhs of devotees gathered here on Monday to witness the Suna Besha, a popular ritual of the colourful annual celebration.

Designated servitors of the temple carried the ornaments amidst tight security provided by the state police to the chariots parked in front of the Singha Dwara or the Lion’s Gate of the main temple.

Another set of servitors then decked up the deities and by the evening, they were ready to make their public appearance. All the chariots were surrounded by armed police.

Expecting a huge crowd, the state government had made elaborate arrangements to allow the devotees to go near the three chariots and closely witness the deities in their golden attire.
Published 27 July 2015, 20:58 IST

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