
'I'm a happy person'

Fresh face
Last Updated : 27 October 2017, 19:38 IST
Last Updated : 27 October 2017, 19:38 IST
Last Updated : 27 October 2017, 19:38 IST
Last Updated : 27 October 2017, 19:38 IST

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After being a part of the web series ‘Bengaluru Queens’ and upcoming film ‘Vasu - Naan Pakka Commercial’, actor Chaithra Achar is all set to explore herself as an actor in a detailed role in the ‘Curious Cases of Yedebadita’.  The actor talks about movies and more in a chat with Tini Sara Anien.

How did you start acting?

It was during my engineering course at MSRIT that acting and other extra-curricular activities happened. During my third year, I played the role of ‘Silent Swathi’ in ‘Bengaluru Queens’ and in the fourth year of my engineering, I acted in ‘Vasu...’. I always wanted to get into singing and explore other artforms and it all happened in a flow.

So how did ‘Curious Cases of Yedebadita’ happen?

A friend who acted with me in ‘Bengaluru Queens’ told me that auditions were open for the film. I auditioned and before I knew it, I was in. Ashwin detailed me about my character Inchara and we were soon discussing the details of the role.

Tell us about your character...

Inchara is a bold and dominating person. She is very different from what I am. Portraying someone entirely different from what I am was quite challenging. There was a lot of homework required for the role. My character falls in love with Ashwin Rao Pallaki’s character and the story progresses.

Every project teaches one different things. What have you learnt about yourself here?

One gets to live many different lives as an actor and learn about different people. As an actor, I have realised that I can adapt easily to any character.

Coming from a theatre background, how different was it to act in movies?

The camera picks up the smallest detail and thus acting has to be natural and subtle in movies. Theatre requires a lot of exaggeration. When in
theatre, concentrating on one’s part isn’t that hard but on movie sets, there
are a lot of distractions and it can be quite a struggle.

Three traits every actor should have...

Patience, spontaneity and a creative streak.

What attracts you to a movie?

The team behind the movie and its script.

Singing is your passion. How important is music to you?

I trained in Carnatic music for eight years and music plays a big part in my life. It is a big stressbuster. Listening to a track can leave me rejuvenated.

 The last track you heard and loved...

I was listening to the song ‘Ondu Malebillu...’ from the film ‘Chakravarthy’ recently. It is a track I love to pieces.

 What makes you smile?

I’m a happy person. I am always brimming with energy. Anything and everything around me can make me smile. I really love people with a good sense of humour.


Published 27 October 2017, 17:37 IST

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