
Shine like a diamond

Bridal beauty
Last Updated : 22 November 2016, 19:49 IST
Last Updated : 22 November 2016, 19:49 IST

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Your wedding is a once in a lifetime experience. It is only natural that you want to look your best. However, many brides-to-be run the risk of falling into a dangerous trap that can spoil their dream wedding. To avoid these situations, Dr Kiran Lohia of Lumiere Dermatology, shares easy to follow tips to prepare you for the D-day.

Eat colourful diet:

Eating well should top the list of dos. Eat lots of leafy green vegetables while including all the different coloured fruits and vegetables in your diet. By eating a multi-coloured diet, you ensure that you get all the nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins you need. Remember to eat at least five to six servings of vegetables and fruits a day.

Avoid the sun and use sunblock: Winter is here and so is the human tendency to bask in the sun. However, although it may be colder, the sun is just as strong. The sun can cause dryness, pigmentation and even allergy. Try and stay indoors and cover up the exposed areas whenever you go out. In fact, wearing a hat and sunglasses is a good way to prevent the sun’s rays from falling on your face. In those cases where you absolutely must be in the sun, use sunblock of at least SPF30 for both UVA and UVB protection.

Add Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids:
Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids can help protect your skin from sun induced damage, while also reforming your skin’s natural moisture protecting barrier. Include fatty fish, nuts and flaxseed in your diet or take a supplement long-term to see a measurable improvement in your skin.

Use alpha-hydroxy acids: Alpha-Hydroxy Acids are natural ingredients, the most important ones being glycolic acid and lactic acid. Glycolic acid is derived from
sugarcane, and lactic acid is derived from milk. These actives are very effective in treating pigmentation, however, sun protection must be used simultaneously. Additionally, to prevent irritation, try to find products that use a combination of glycolic acid and lactic acid, as lactic acid is a known humectant (moisturiser) that will help soothe your skin.

Don’t overdo facials:  A facial may seem harmless, but it can often be the cause of breakouts, allergies and marks due to either overly forceful extraction or the usage of many different products.  Don’t over-stimulate your skin unnecessarily by undergoing frequent facials or different facials. And, if you have never had a facial before, definitely do not do one less than one month before the big event!

Don’t pick at your skin:
When the day of your wedding is fast approaching,  pimples can crop up unexpectedly. Although the temptation to pick at it is strong, do not do it. When you pick at a pimple, you run the risk of it worsening and you also will likely end up with a dark mark. Instead, apply a salicylic acid based product on the lesion along with a salicylic acid based face wash for rapid results. Also, if you go to a dermatologist, he or she can also help eradicate that lesion in time.

Published 22 November 2016, 14:51 IST

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