The sugarcane crisis seems to have touched boiling point in Karnataka. A mix of unsold inventory and overdue payments have forced farmers to launch a stir, reaching as far as Bengaluru and planning to lay siege to the Vidhana Soudha. The problem has been compounded by some controversial statements by Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy.
But what is the problem? Deccan Herald explains.
- The government owes farmers over 1,500 crores in dues for FY17-18. Of this, Vijayapura, Belagavi and Bagalkot alone account for over a third of the dues.
- Sugar import, combined with a huge stock of unsold inventory in sugar factories, led to prices falling as low as Rs 30 per kg.
- India produced 32 million tonnes of sugar between October 2017 and April 2018, over seven million tonnes more than the country's consumption.
- Despite a recent ban on sugar imports to help farmers, the situation has not changed much as a significant stock of the product remains unsold, leading to mounting dues to farmers.
- Despite the massive unsold stock, sugarcane growth in Karnataka has dropped significantly as a result of the unhealthy use of fertilisers and ratoon cropping.
- Sugarcane farmers are demanding Rs 3000 per tonne as minimum support price for their crops, Rs 500 more than the price set by the previous Congress government in the state.
Published 19 November 2018, 06:29 IST