
'Police should ensure that such incidents don't repeat in future'

Last Updated : 26 August 2015, 18:28 IST
Last Updated : 26 August 2015, 18:28 IST

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Members of Popular Front of India staged a protest against the assault on a youth for talking to a girl from another community and politicising the issue of transportation of cattle, in front of DC’s office on Wednesday.

PFI State president Mohammed Haneef said that the assault on the youth, Shakeer, after tying him to a pole was an inhuman act. Such incidents are an assault on MLAs and ministers from the district. They are answerable to the issue, he said.

The police should initiate measures to ensure that such incidents don’t repeat in the future and should take action against the perpetrators involved in incidents of moral policing. Anthar Dharmeeya Samvada Director Fr William Martis also spoke on the occasion.

Published 26 August 2015, 18:28 IST

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