
Is low iron, without symptoms, an issue?

true or false?
Last Updated : 21 April 2017, 18:47 IST
Last Updated : 21 April 2017, 18:47 IST

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The classic symptom of iron-deficiency anaemia is feeling tired or weak, though other symptoms include headaches, shortness of breath, sensitivity to cold or even depression. You might not experience any symptoms until the anaemia is quite severe, says Dr Nancy Berliner, the deputy editor of the American Society of Hematology’s journal Blood.

“Most people who are losing enough iron to become deficient will continue to lose and become anaemic,” said Berliner. There are several ways to test for iron deficiency, but the best measure is a test for blood levels of ferritin, the storage form of iron, she said.

Women who have heavy periods are frequently iron-deficient, and pregnancy can cause iron deficiency that should be treated. For women who are not menstruating and men, however, the most common cause of iron deficiency is gastrointestinal bleeding, which could be a sign of colorectal cancer or a precancerous polyp, or could be caused by ulcers or gastritis related to the use of drugs like aspirin, Berliner said.

Strict vegans may become iron-deficient if they do not consume enough iron over an extended period of time; beans, leafy greens, dried fruits and seeds are good sources of iron. Taking iron supplements can correct the anaemia, but Berliner emphasised that it is important to identify the underlying reason for the blood loss, which may require medical tests like endoscopy or colonoscopy.

Published 21 April 2017, 16:44 IST

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