
Congress demands BJP's apology over 'wrong India map'

Shrinate said this episode also tells one who the real 'tukde tukde gang' in this country is and it is none other than the BJP.
hemin Joy
Last Updated : 14 July 2023, 17:18 IST
Last Updated : 14 July 2023, 17:18 IST
Last Updated : 14 July 2023, 17:18 IST
Last Updated : 14 July 2023, 17:18 IST

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An animated video released by BJP put the ruling party in a spot with Congress on Friday claiming that it showed Indian territories in Pakistan and China and demanded an apology for the "attack" on territorial integrity.

In a tweet, the Congress said, "there is no one more traitor than the BJP. To hail Modi, India's territorial integrity was compromised in an animation video. In the video, India's land is shown as belonging to Pakistan and China. First they made it viral and when people objected to it, they ran away after deleting it. Modi-ji and Nadda-ji should apologise to the country because this is not a mistake but a crime."

At a press conference, Congress Social Media and Digital Platforms Chairperson Supriya Shrinate said several BJP leaders tweeted the animated video hailing Prime Minister Narendra Modi in which "ironically parts of India were shown with Pakistan and China". However, she said, many of them deleted it later after the issue snowballed into a controversy.

"The BJP, its troll army, its fake news factory, and its leaders, who are very eager to handover certificates of nationalism to people, tweeted a video. It was about making Modi, the Vishwa Guru. And in that video ironically, this is what they have put out, parts of India are shown with Pakistan, and China,” Shrinate said.

“And if this is not an attack on our territorial integrity, and attack on our sovereignty then I wonder what is? And this exposes the BJP. This tells you what they are made of, what their real motives are?" she said.

Shrinate said this episode also tells one who the real 'tukde tukde gang' in this country is and it is none other than the BJP.

"People started reacting to it, people questioned how integral parts of India were shown with Pakistan and China, and in no time they deleted the video. But because you deleted the video and ran away does not mean we will not raise questions which should be raised," she said.

She said asked who in the BJP is going to take the responsibility for this. "Where does the buck stop?" she asked.

Published 14 July 2023, 16:23 IST

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