Bengaluru: Two years ago in 2022, Karnataka’s Avani Prashanth became the first from the country to receive an invite to play the Augusta National Women’s Amateur (ANWA) in the USA.
Her consistent performances across events since then, has the Bengaluru girl getting an invite for the second time. And the feisty golfer is excited to travel to the event that will be held at the Augusta National Golf Club beginning April 3.
“I am extremely happy and inspired to receive the ANWA invite. It gives me a great opportunity to compete against the best players in the world," Avani told DH, who is competing at the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific in Thailand this week.
"Last time I had finished tied-21, this time I want to win the title. The tournament winner gets some fantastic opportunities to play in all the Majors except the PGA championship and I'm gunning for that," added the 17-year-old golfer.
Currently ranked 42 in the World Amateur Golf Ranking, Avani will be battling it out with the top 72 amateurs in the 54-hole event.
The first 36 holes will be played on the Island and Bluff nines at the Champions Retreat Golf Club in Augusta. The entire field then plays an official practice round on April 5 before the ones making the cut get to tee off for the final round at the Augusta Nationals on April 6.
A lot is at stake for the youngster as the winner of ANWA is handed amateur spots in the big ticket professional events such as the US Women’s Open, AIG Women’s Open, Chevron Championship and the Evian Championship.
Published 29 January 2024, 22:21 IST