
It's Queen's cup of tea!

Last Updated : 03 May 2018, 06:20 IST
Last Updated : 03 May 2018, 06:20 IST

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The 84-year-old Monarch makes her own Earl Grey with Malvern water at 5 PM daily; in fact, her staff at Buckingham Palace have been instructed to leave the afternoon tea pouring strictly to her, 'The Sun' reported.

But at any other time, the Queen is happy for her servants to do it, said etiquette expert Jean Broke-Smith, who has strong personal links to the monarchy.

She said: "She is a very traditional lady and when she has visitors, no matter where she is in the world, she pours tea for herself and all of her guests at 5 PM. Queen Elizabeth is a very proud hostess."

Meanwhile, it was revealed that the Queen Mother was a fan of Jamaican ska music. Her record collection included Caribbean steel bands, a Canadian yodeller and You Can Call Me Al by Paul Simon. She died in 2002 aged 101.

Published 14 March 2011, 07:58 IST

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