
Cashier resists robbery bid, shot at thrice

Last Updated : 02 March 2016, 03:52 IST
Last Updated : 02 March 2016, 03:52 IST

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A cashier sustained three gunshot wounds on resisting robbery by motorcycle-borne assailants in east Delhi on Tuesday. Akram’s condition is stated to be serious, police said.

The attackers are yet to be identified. According to police, Akram’s family also suspects that he may have been attacked over personal enmity. Their statement have been recorded and a man named Anish has been detained for questioning. No arrest has been made so far.

Akram works with a Ghazipur-based milkman named Umar Qureshi. On Tuesday, he was told to withdraw Rs 10 lakh from a Vijaya Bank branch in east Delhi.

“Akram had withdrawn the cash and was traveling on a motorcycle. The incident occurred at 3.45 pm,” said Deputy Commissioner of Police (East) BS Gurjar.

Akram was near Qureshi’s office when the accused forced him to stop the motorcycle. They were traveling in two motorcycles and armed with pistols and knives.

Locals told police that they tried to snatch Akram’s bag. Akram, however, refused to give the bag. “The men opened fire when locals began to gather there,” another police officer added.

Akram sustained multiple gunshot wounds, but still managed to run with the bag for some distance. Police were informed and he was taken to Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital. An emergency surgery was conducted there.

“Akram was hit thrice in his abdomen and right thigh. His condition remains to be critical,” the officer added.

A case of attempt to murder under Indian Penal Code and Arms Act has been filed with Ghazipur police station. As part of initial investigation, police have questioned Akram’s family members and Qureshi.

Akram had informed his family about a threat call that he received on his mobile phone on Monday evening. It is alleged that a man named Anish had threatened to kill Akram. Police have analysed the call data records of Akram’s mobile phone and questioned Anish. The investigators are waiting to record Akram’s statement.
Published 02 March 2016, 03:51 IST

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