
Cheating case against ex-principal of Bishop Cotton

Last Updated : 21 October 2010, 18:38 IST
Last Updated : 21 October 2010, 18:38 IST

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In his complaint, Kiran Hebbar of Rakidev Enterprises, alleged that S Christopher of Hudson Memorial Church, Col John Ellis, the then principal of Bishop Cotton Boys’ School and his friend Ajay cheated him by collecting the money.

Hebbar, as per the complaint, approached Ajay in October 2009 requesting him to help him get a seat for his son, Namit, for class VI. Ajay introduced Hebbar to Christopher who claimed his affinity to Ellis and promised a seat for his son. Hebbar gave him Rs two lakh for the work as per his demand on October 17 at Hudson Memorial Church premises.

Christopher introduced Hebbar to Ellis who promised the seat and asked him to collect his son’s TC from the earlier school, he stated.

After frequent enquiries, Hebbar learnt that Ellis had some problems with the school management and had moved the HC against the management. Christopher kept telling him that Ellis would win the case and ensure his son’s admission. The first list of selected students was out on May 20, but Namit’s name did not figure in it. When contacted, Christopher told him the case was in the HC and Ellis urgently needed Rs one lakh.

He said Ellis would manage the seat if Hebbar gave him an additional Rs one lakh. However, Hebbar declined. Hebbar was shocked when he learnt that Ellis had given admissions to many children  referred by Christopher who had paid more. Christopher went on promising that he would return Rs two lakh  but failed. Also, he allegedly threatened Hebbar with dire consequences if he pressed for the return of the money.

Published 21 October 2010, 18:38 IST

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