
Singh, Li begin talks

Last Updated : 23 October 2013, 04:30 IST
Last Updated : 23 October 2013, 04:30 IST

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 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has begun talks with his Chinese counterpart premier Li Keqiang to discuss various bilateral and international issues.

Earlier Singh was received at the Great Hall of the People and accorded a ceremonial Guard of Honour, after which the two leaders met for restricted delegation talks followed by another meeting with full delegations from both sides.

After the talks, the two sides were expected to find a series of agreements including the Border Defence Cooperation Agreement (BDCA).

Singh arrived here last night on a three-day visit. After his talks with Li, he is also scheduled to meet President Xi Jinping later.

In a rare honour for an Indian leader, President Xi Jinping will also host a dinner for Prime Minister Singh.

Published 23 October 2013, 04:30 IST

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