
Don't hide from acne

Last Updated : 17 July 2009, 12:20 IST
Last Updated : 17 July 2009, 12:20 IST

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Among the organs of the body, the skin is one of the first to bear the brunt of changing seasons. The summer months especially can be a bane, specially for people with oily skin. During summer sweat and oil secretion increases and these are deposited on the skin. An oily and sweaty skin also attracts more dirt and pollutants.

Actually, nowadays there are plenty of chemical pollutants in the air, which can disrupt the normal balances of the skin, leading to skin-sensitivity, spots, rashes, acne and other related conditions, irritative or allergic reactions. One of the effects of exposure to pollution is skin-congestion and this can lead to skin eruptions, like rashes and pimples, even aggravating an acne condition. A chronic condition of skin congestion means an inefficient, unhealthy skin. In hot and humid weather, when the skin is oily and sweaty, pollutants tend to stay on the skin, leading to rashes.

Cleansing is the keyword for healthy skin. Daily cleansing and skin care, with appropriate products, is the only way of protecting the skin from eruptions and oily-skin conditions. The pores must be kept free of hardened oil and the oiliness of the skin surface must also be reduced. If the skin is oily, an astringent toner should be used after cleansing.

Wipe the face with it, using cotton wool. Some home ingredients can also be used. Rose water can be mixed with cucumber juice and applied on the face to reduce oiliness. Or, try to get witch hazel. It may be available at a pharmacy. Mix rose water and witch hazel in equal quantities and apply on the face. Night-time cleansing is a must, to remove the pollutants that have been deposited on the skin during the day.

Wash right
During summer, people tend to wash their face too often with soap and water. This actually destroys the normal acid-alkaline balance of the skin, since most soaps are alkaline in nature. If there is rash, pimples or acne, the face should be washed with a medicated soap, or medicated cleanser only twice a day, morning and night. You may wash the face several times a day with plenty of plain water.

You can also apply a rose based skin toner, or rose water mixed with witch hazel as mentioned above. We recommend the use of a rose or lavender based skin tonic, which should be used to wipe the face, using cotton wool pads. This not only completes the cleansing procedure, but also helps to close the pores and restore the normal balances.

It is better not to use harsh astringent lotions, as these can lead to acute dryness of the outermost layer, giving the skin a wrinkled appearance. If you buy an astringent lotion, mix two parts of astringent with one part rose water and keep in a tightly closed bottle in the fridge.

Preventing blackheads helps in the prevention of acne. If there are blackheads, a facial scrub should be used on the blackhead-prone areas.  But do not apply scrubs on acne, pimples or rash. Mix rice powder with rose water. Apply it on the areas with blackheads daily. Rub gently on the skin with circular movements. Leave on for 5 minutes and wash off with water. This can be done after cleansing in the morning. The scrub can also be applied on open pores and the marks left by acne.

Stubborn blackheads should be removed at a skin-care clinic, by a trained therapist, using proper methods. Pinching blackheads, or trying to remove them at home, not only leads to infection, but also scarring. Avoid touching the face, without washing your hands and never pick or pinch blackheads and pimples.

If the skin is oily and prone to eruptions, avoid the use of oily creams and moisturizers. If there is dryness of the skin, it is usually a superficial dryness of the outermost layer. For this, mix one teaspoon each of honey and curd and apply daily, washing off with plain water after 20 minutes. Honey is a natural moisturizer and suits all skin types, including skin with acne. Curd softens the skin and restores the normal balance. It is also said to have a healing effect on acne. Sandalwood paste can be applied on the pimples, acne and boils. If there is a rash, mix sandalwood paste with a little rose water and apply on the entire face. Wash it off with water after 20 minutes.

Mix together one teaspoon cinnamon (dalchini) powder, half teaspoon methi seed powder, lemon juice and a few drops of honey. It should be a sticky paste. Apply it only on pimples, boils or acne and leave on for a couple of hours, or even overnight.

A paste of fresh methi leaves can also be applied on the skin. Keep it on for 15 to 20 minutes and wash off with water.

Neem leaves can also be used to treat rashes, pimples and acne. A handful of neem leaves can be simmered on very low fire in 4 cups of water for one hour. Leave it overnight. Next morning, strain and use the water to wash the face. Make a paste  and apply on pimples, rash and acne.

Published 17 July 2009, 12:20 IST

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