
Missing the concerts and fairs

Last Updated : 15 December 2013, 20:52 IST
Last Updated : 15 December 2013, 20:52 IST
Last Updated : 15 December 2013, 20:52 IST
Last Updated : 15 December 2013, 20:52 IST

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In less than a year, the Palace Grounds has gone from one of the city’s most happening places to be one of the most restricted areas for the general public. Here’s what the city’s youngsters feel about the whole ban on commercial activities said to be imposed to regulate traffic and tighten security by the Department of Personal and Administrative Reforms (DPAR).

Interactions with a cross-section of the city’s youngsters was revealing enough. The ban has given cause to much disappointment among them. They are nostalgic about the way they used to make a beeline to the sprawling venue to be part of rock music concerts, flea markets and exhibitions of every hue. 

 Says Divya Kandulna, an MBA student: “The reduction in number of events does mean more efficient security and it is certainly better to be safe than sorry. However, such strict restrictions are definitely disappointing for the youth. Events will be held at other, far off places but the charm of Palace grounds is distinct. One can only hope the officials become a little more lenient considering the venue is one of a kind, be it for musical concerts or exhibitions." 

Of late, most events are either getting cancelled or being shifted to far off places in the outskirts of the City. 

Worse still, even popular events such as the Bangalore Book Fair are being forced to cancel. While concerts are finding places like the Bharatiya City, exhibitions are being held at the Karnataka Trade Promotion Organisation (KTPO) industrial park near Whitefield. 
"Bangalore is one of the few places in the country wherein one can hold any kind of an event irrespective of the weather conditions and Palace Ground made it all the more convenient.

 I do understand that these restrictions come in light of tightening security measures, but travelling towards one end of the City from another, keeping in mind the horrible traffic conditions, is a task on its own. 

People would think more than twice before moving towards Whitefield or Hebbal and I am sure that this is going to hold back the artists and event management companies from investing their money and energy here," says Anil Srikumar, a Technical Service Engineer.

Royals not at ease 
Banished from the Grounds 

Published 14 December 2013, 19:17 IST

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