Even as Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has announced a CID inquiry into the recent killing of a 22-year-old youth Chandru in Bengaluru, former cop Bhaskar Rao on Monday condemned the ruling party leader for casting aspersions on the police force.
Taking to Twitter, the former cop who recently joined the Aam Aadmi Party said the Commissioner of Police Bengaluru was an institution that protected 15 million citizens. "Calling the commissioner a "liar" in media by a politician of the ruling state government and party in power is insulting Chief Minister and Government. Hopefully, better governance prevails," Rao tweeted Monday.
Recently, BJP MLC N Ravi Kumar had stated that the Bengaluru Commissioner of Police had "lied" about the version of events leading to Chandru's death. The youth was killed because he did not speak Urdu, Ravi Kumar had claimed. He also asserted that Home Minister Araga Jnanendra's initial statement on the incident that the murder took place over Urdu language row, was the correct version of events.
With his own party members demanding an inquiry into the incident, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai announced that the case would be handed over to the CID.
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Published 11 April 2022, 18:47 IST