
Cong not to name members for porngate panel

Siddaramaiah questions need for setting up joint House committee
Last Updated : 15 February 2012, 18:05 IST
Last Updated : 15 February 2012, 18:05 IST

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Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Assembly, Siddaramaiah, said on Wednesday that there was no need for setting up a joint House Committee to probe the porngate episode. 

Even if the committee is set up, the Congress will not appoint members to the panel, he said.

Speaking to reporters before inaugurating the Gaaniga Samajotsava, Siddaramaiah said he had neither received a letter from the government nor was we consulted on forming the committee.

“The government is intent on closing the case. I don’t have the confidence that truth will come out from this inquiry. The ministers have admitted their guilt and resigned. What is the need to form a committee now? It’s best to drop the idea of constituting the committee,” Siddaramaiah said.

He criticised the government for considering a ban on private television channels from airing the proceedings of the Legislature session. 

“This is an anti-constitutional move. It is nothing but denying the right to freedom of expression. The government should drop the idea,” he said.

On Lokayukta

Siddaramaiah said the State government was dragging its feet on appointing the Lokayukta. 

“Instead of unnecessarily creating confusion over the appointment of the Lokayukta, the government should call an all-party meeting and finalise the name. The Opposition parties are opposing the names proposed by the government. Yet, it has made no efforts to come up with a new one,” he said.

‘Forget divisions’

Later, addressing the gathering at the event, the leader of the Opposition in the Assembly called upon the backward classes to unite and overcome the oppression that they have been enduring for centuries.

“Only when caste divisions are overcome can the backward classes grow. There are hundreds of sub-castes in backward class communities. Hence, there is no unity among them. If this trend continues, these communities will always lag behind. 

“People of the backward communities have been exploited for long. They should fight for their rights and welfare. They should realise that the upper castes won’t fight for their cause,” he said. 

Siddaramaiah said reservation was the birthright of the backward classes.

Published 15 February 2012, 09:30 IST

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