
Chasing knowledge

Meera Sheshadri
Last Updated : 22 December 2011, 19:30 IST
Last Updated : 22 December 2011, 19:30 IST

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But, even when one is wallowing in walloping wealth, not necessarily, by virtue of possessing all that money, one can acquire knowledge!

To put it more explicitly, you can behold people, with genuine passion for acquiring knowledge, generally coming up trumps in educational arena. The good academic degrees in their educational kitty, apparently facilitates in fetching them plum and cushy jobs. Which means their knowledge/education is kind of a ticket to the affluent life and radiant future.

Sometime back, a college professor, a physically-challenged person, in a scintillating speech, had stated that she had initially felt the whole world crashing and crumbling down, when she had lost one of her lower limbs, during her young age.

It took her long time to recruit her inner energies, and rally up her tensile strength, to face her life again with sang-froid. Slowly she went about on knowledge-acquiring spree, and got her Master’s degree in Sociology. She expatiated on how knowledge is kind of synonymous with financial power. Interestingly, the knowledge stuffed in a person, apart from being a factor that it bestows one with financial independence, it also acts as confidence-booster too.

You can see people, endowed with prodigious knowledge, exuding with unmitigated confidence. In fact, greater the knowledge, higher is the confidence level in a person.

Even at one’s workplace - be it an educational institute, an office or an IT company, a person with inordinate knowledge in that particular field, always outshines others, by scoring over them. You can never find them on tenterhooks or in a state of trepidation while interacting with anyone, at any level.

Interestingly, instead of chasing success, if one chases pertinent knowledge in the arena where one wants to succeed, then success automatically comes chasing that person!

This knowledge pursuit, besides proffering financial stability and elevating one’s confidence, it also imbues a person with inexplicable mental peace too, since the very thought that one has managed to earn profound knowledge itself is always a great feel-good factor.

Indeed, blessed are those erudite beings, who have gone about assimilating reservoirs of knowledge. But even more blessed are those, who not only keep imbibing copious knowledge, but also try disseminating it among people around. It’s like glowing shafts of refulgent sunbeams, which are not only glaringly bright by itself, but also brightens up everything in its path.

Published 22 December 2011, 19:30 IST

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