
CPI to observe ‘Defend Federalism Day’ on December 29

The party has decided to organise different forms of protests in states, including marches to Raj Bahvans, on December 29
hemin Joy
Last Updated : 05 December 2022, 10:41 IST
Last Updated : 05 December 2022, 10:41 IST
Last Updated : 05 December 2022, 10:41 IST
Last Updated : 05 December 2022, 10:41 IST

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CPI will observe ‘Defend Federalism Day’ across the country on December 29 demanding the abolition of the post of Governors with the party saying that many of the BJP-appointees are interfering in the working of elected state governments in violation of Constitutional obligations and mandate.

The party’s decision to hold nationwide protest in defence of federalism and for the abolition of Governors’ posts was taken at a two-day meeting of its National Executive here that ended on Sunday.

CPI General Secretary D Raja said the Governors are being “misused” by the Narendra Modi regime which one could see happening in states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Puducherry among others.

“Governors are acting as direct political representatives of the ruling dispensation. This is highly objectionable and condemnable…In a Parliamentary system, we do not need Governors. The situation is such that the Governors are not acting as Constitutional representatives,” Raja told a press conference on Monday.

“In such a situation, what is the need for a Governor in states that have elected governments? Our party feels that it is time that we demand for the abolition of the post of Governor,” he said, adding that the Raj Bhavans are being used as “camp offices of the BJP”.

The party has decided to organise different forms of protests in states, including marches to Raj Bahvans, on December 29. Raja referred to the recent controversies surrounding the governors in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Telangana while alleging that the Constitution is being subverted by the BJP-RSS.

“Tomorrow (December 6) is the death anniversary of BR Ambedkar, the father of the Indian Constitution. One should take note of how the BJP-RSS is dismantling the basic tenets of the Constitution. Parliament is gradually being made irrelevant and redundant,” he said.

On India assuming the presidency of G-20, Raja said it was rotational and the country was to get the presidency but the way it is being projected should be taken note of as if it is an achievement of Prime Minister Modi.

“The BJP-RSS is resorting to huge publicity. When we try to preach to the international community, we should also look into our country and see what is happening in the country. Why are so many atrocities happening to the minorities and socially deprived classes, why is there huge unemployment and why is there price rise?” he said.

Published 05 December 2022, 10:41 IST

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